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  1. Hello Kathryn, You gave me an idea to share a new trick that’s great for breakfast, brunch and more over the holidays. I like to make muffins, lately pumpkin-raisin-nut, and have always broken the task up into two days – like the measuring out of ingredients, combining what’s possible (like the dry ingredients together, the eggs-oil together, for instance) and just having all the various ingredients ready to go in various containers.

    Okay. But here’s a extra littlel trick that makes it Even Easier (And I must credit Mary Hunt at Debt-Proof Living for this one): First, as per usual, spoon the batter into muffin pans and use paper liners. Then, put the muffin trays staight into the freezer. When the little globs of batter are frozen solid, transfer them to a plastic container to free up pans and space. Then, when the day arrives that you want those muffins, just fire up the oven, put x-number of frozen muffin globs into the muffin pan and bake them. Amazing but true, I’ve tried this – bake them just the normal time at the normal temp and they come absolutely perfectly, in like 30-some minutes. Point being, effortless on serving day.

    Yum….you know, I could have some pumpkin-raisin muffins in about 35 minutes too. Kinda tempting…and it IS almost time for breakfast…! (EE)

  2. I like tips like that. The only thing that makes them bad is that I rely on them too much (I don’t have to make breakfast, I can just reheat, toast, warmup, defrost, etc) 😀

    This is definitely one that will make its way into my freezer.

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