Word Wednesday

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  1. Great post. Maturity in Christ brings us to know we choose where we camp out in our minds; therefore what we will think, see and hear. Submitting to the leading of the Spirit of God has changed everything in my life. Even the bad times have the presence of God and therefore He is Love and He brings hope, faith and love to all no matter what. I’m enjoying reading your posts. May God bless you to keep on writing … we need to hear your voice.

  2. Hey Kay,

    Thanks so much for stopping in to the site. My struggle today is living what I know when the ones around me seem to be determined to go a different direction ;).

  3. Great encouraging post. This last year or so (b/c of the economy) has been tough for a lot of people. The economy excuse is getting so overplayed. I’m not saying people are hurting, etc. What I’m saying is the media and news outlets are shoving this stuff down our throats day in and day out. It has the people who are not in danger of losing jobs, etc freaking out about it all. The stock market is in the tank, jobs are lost, housing is in a slump….I could go on forever. I see encouragement in Christ. I see forever with a God who loves me. That is my guarantee, everything else is temporary. So however long God let’s me stay on this earth, I plan to be positive and plan to shine his light bright for others to see. I agree there is no hope in trying to make someone positive, but maybe our actions will allow them to see there is a better way.

  4. Great and encouraging post on being positive, even with a whole world of negativity going on around us! I will definitely be using this info… and letting the readers on my Inspirational blog know about this one!

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