Freelance Writer for Hire
After reading some blogs around the Web, I’ve discovered that the best way to make money as a freelance writer is to sell my abilities and proficiency as said writer. Today I am asking you to hire me!
1. You will be working with a freelance writer that produces quality work that is grammatically correct.
2. You will be working with a freelance writer that consistently produces the work on time – or early.
3. You will receive completely original work from the freelance writer that you hire (work will NOT be farmed out).
4. I am a freelance writer that is willing for work for a discount under some situations (for instance in exchange for the by-line or to retain re-print rights).
5. I am a freelance writer that is able to write with a variety of voices – from technical to chatty and anything in between.
6. I am a freelance writer who is looking to expand her career and is able to start working with you today.
7. I am a freelance writer that is passionate about writing and one who works hard to let that passion show through no matter what the topic being covered.
8. I am an experienced writer in both print and online and looking for more avenues to expand my freelance writing success.
9. I am a freelance writer that can do projects in a time crunch.
10. I am a freelance writer who is determined to always improve my skills and looks forward to comments and suggests. I do not get my feelings hurt if you have a complaint or a criticism.
Writing is not just my passion – it is my life’s work. I want to put my skills and experience to work for you. By seeking out the freelance writing jobs, I am taking one of the largest steps yet towards the freelance experience I desire and will achieve.