Quote of the Day – Invest in HOPE
Growing HOPE Quote of the Day for March 6, 2018
Hope does NOT disappoint and that makes HOPE worth investing in. – Kathryn Lang
The world will tell you hope is a delusion – a fog covering the reality of things that are. The world will try to convince you that holding on to hope is holding on to a dream state that will never be fulfilled.
The world is wrong.
HOPE is the foundation that lets you stand strong when the storms come (because storms will come). HOPE is the seed of possibility that makes room for you to step out of the boat and walk on water (despite the waves and the voices behind you telling you that it is impossible). HOPE is the first part of the bold Faith that will lead you to your unique design.
And hope is contagious. The more you invest in hope and grow hope the more you spread hope to those you encounter.
Invest in hope. It is worth investing in.
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