Proverbs Provides Instruction – Study the Book of Proverbs Chapter Twelve
To develop instruction for life, take a moment and read Proverbs Chapter Twelve. Let the words speak to your unique situation. Write down any thoughts or questions that come up while you read. Also, write down any verses that stand out. Meditate on these thoughts, words and ideas over the next few days until they begin to take root in your heart.
Follow Proverbs to Instruction
Instruction brings knowledge, so invest in those things that will instruct you in Wisdom. Feed your mind, your ears and your heart with words and sounds from Scripture. What you plant through these different avenues will begin to grow in your heart. A heart blooming in wisdom knowledge will guide a life of righteousness. A life rooted in righteousness will not be moved.
The thoughts of the righteous life are right. They lead to actions that will uplift others. Those actions will pour out into tender mercies to all those encountered.
The roots, planted from the Scripture Wisdom, grow and produce fruit. These roots will also hold you firm so that you are brought through troubles. The righteous man will be satisfied by the words of his mouth – the same mouth that offers encouragement and uplifting to others.
Words reveal the heart. A heart blooming in righteousness produces healing. Words spoken through Scripture Wisdom will be established and a delight to the Lord.
Diligence will rule.
A good word soothes anxiety.
Diligence is a man’s precious possession.
The way of righteousness only leads to life.
Start with instruction through sound Scripture teach and reading. Foster Wisdom into righteousness. Let righteousness be the guiding force for all words and actions so that the fruit of instruction can lead to abundant and overflowing life.
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Ten
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eight
Chapter Seven
Chapter Six
Chapter Five
Chapter Four
Chapter Three
Chapter Two
Chapter One