The Glorious Return of Morning
Morning has returned. Morning has broken . . . finally, when it’s supposed to. Every Spring the government steals our morning, tacks it on to the end of the day, and then tries to convince us that we have more daylight – thus the aptly named delusion of Daylight Saving Time.
It is over for one more year (or for about five months).
I started this fourth day of November with a smile. When I woke up, instead of panicking because I knew I was late getting started, I just smiled. The sun was up and was waking me because finally . . . FINALLY . . . I had my mornings back.
I took advantage of my morning and started marking off the to-dos on my list. It went well. I even had a chance to walk outside and enjoy the amazing weather – leaves of color showering down on me as I walked.
I hit my normal downtime at 2 pm . . . only it was 1 pm and that threw me off even more. Once you slow down, it can be tough to kick it back up again.
I tried. I stumbled. I tried again.
In the end, I didn’t get as much done as I thought I would today, but I also got some things done that I didn’t expect.
I will blame the morning stealing government for my struggles today. Tomorrow will be better.
Stop DST
DST is hard work. Daylight Saving Time requires us to set all of our electronics not connected to the WiFi. It’s hard enough getting the microwave and coffee maker back to real time when the power goes off. This is just one more thing the government does to hold us down.
DST steals time. Admit it. It takes you several days to adjust to the new time – either the switch to DST or the return to real time. The energy and resources required for the adjustment could be avoided.
DST changes nothing. Did you know that every spring, the days begin to get longer even without government interference?
Stop the insanity. End DST. The last thing we November Challenge Takers need in this month is more things outside of our control to work around (as if holidays weren’t enough).
What do you think?
Be blessed,