Write About It So You Can Write It Off
I just stumbled over a virtual plethora of write offs for those of you who are making a career out of writing. If you have been freelancing for any time you probably know a few tricks, but have you thought of everything?
1. Memberships to local attractions (museums, parks, aquariums). If you are using your trips for writing research then be sure to write-off the expense (that includes mileage and meals).
2. Trips to visit family. Figure out a way to use the experience in your writing and deduct your mileage.
3. Conferences and seminars. Even if they arenΓ’β¬β’t specifically about writing you can use them IN your writing.
In essence, I can deduct all or a portion of just about anything that I do Γ’β¬β as long as it is relevant to my writing.
For every deduction I can find that is one less dollar that the government will get. And the more of my money I can keep the happier I am going to be!