Growing HOPE Podcast Wednesday

5 Tips to Being a True Giver from the Growing HOPE Podcast

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β€œThe Proverbs woman reaches out to help those that need it and to give a hand up. She has a special spot for the poor – poor in finance, poor in heart, and poor in spirit.” From Proverbs 31:20

art of true giving from proverbs 31:20

Giving is an art and one that requires training and is enhanced by practice as much as any art. I have known people that have a natural gift for different artistic endeavors, but they still invest in learning and growing those natural abilities.

I have always enjoyed the challenge of giving in ways that would delight the heart of the one receiving the gift. As a child, I would save up to buy little thingy-ma-jigs for friends and family. My budget for all my gifts back then wouldn’t even fill one stocking today. I gave what I could give because I wanted to give.

As I got older, I invested more effort into hearing the heart of the others. My gifts became more personalized, and when the budget became too tight then my gifts became homemade and personalized. I wrote poems and stories, crocheted scarves, ear muffs, and blankets, and even crafted cigar box purses and keepsake boxes.

Although folks enjoyed the handmade gifts the most, I discovered the investment of resources was even higher than the store-bought variety. Good giving required finding my balance.

The more I practice growing the art of giving the more I began to see that it wasn’t always the gift that made the difference but it was the heart connection between the giver and the getter.

If you want to become a true giver then you will have to practice listening to the heart of others, find the right way to need the revealed needs, and discover your balance.

5 Tips for Becoming a True Giver

    art of giving with Growing HOPE

  • Master the art of listening – you have to hear the heart and not just focus on the words. The true needs are rarely floating on the surface.
  • Learn to share – what you give came from somewhere greater than you.
  • Develop graceful getting – becoming a good getter makes you a better giver.

  • Give of self – you have more to give than something found in a store.

  • Release expectations – true giving never comes with strings attached.

Practice the art of giving to become a talented true giver. Start by practicing giving as unto God instead of the person. Learn to listen to the heart instead of relying on the surface. And release the restrictions you place on the giving and on the receiving.

Dare to give and dare to explore the art of giving.

Be blessed,

Kathryn Lang signature

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