Better Choices Just a Little Bit at a Time
I struggled to follow through on my little bit of exercise this morning. Actually, I struggled yesterday as well (although I did it). The results I want – those magic results I see everyone else getting with pills, programs or shakes – drags me down. It takes reminding myself that my “little bit” is not about a magic weight loss or diet program, but about getting active in my life again.
I finished the little bit of activity and then sat down to start writing – only I have to read Facebook, Twitter and emails first. Come on, you know you do it, too.
Chanda Temple, from Chanda Temple Writes – who I met through Alabama Bloggers and See Jane Write – shared something that reminded me that it really is all about taking action, a little bit of time and then continuing on until you are there.
The story of Noah Galloway touched my heart and brought tears to my eyes – not just because of his overcoming, but because he recognized the one thing that can change any life.
But when he woke up that morning in 2010 and saw how his body had changed through his own choices, he decided to make a change.
Choices got me to where I am and choices are the only way I will ever get to where I want to be. Noah Galloway made better choices – focused on now and how to make now the moment he desired.
Noah had an element I have talked about here before. He had encouragement from others. No matter where we are in our journey or what we are trying to achieve, the encouragement and support of others makes the steps a little lighter.
Do you have a story about making better choices or turning away from the choices that left you in a place you no longer desired?
Share your stories here, or join me in this 8 Week Health and Wellness Challenge. Also, take a moment to visit Chanda Temple Writes and learn more about Noah. Chanda shares seven things you need to know about Noah Galloway and also how you can link to him to vote for his picture to be featured on Men’s Health Magazine in November.
Be blessed,