Cast of Characters by Max Lucado
The writings of Max Lucado have a way of shining a light in my life on those areas that I had no idea were even in the dark. His unique storytelling style prepares my heart to be in a place of ready, willing and able to experience the light.
“Cast of Characters” continued my journey of growth. It has the ability to serve as an individual bible study or it could be easily put into a group situation and become a center piece for a small group class.
Each chapter of this book stands alone so that group members could miss a week without missing out on the full impact of the story. At the same time, the lessons are connected so that the book has a cohesive flow.
Chapter after chapter had me digging a little deeper into the stories of Scripture. The questions at the end of each chapter encouraged me to continue in my discovery process. The Scripture verses and references gave me the guidance to take the study even deeper.
By the end of the study I had learned a lot about the person that I am and the person that God created me to be. It is easy to see that the people God has used in the past were not picture perfect. Revealing their flaws helped me to know that there is still hope in my life.
No matter how many books or studies you have read by Max Lucado “Cast of Characters” has something that will stand out for you.