Change is Good
This morning I was reading an old entry in my diary. “The differences require my dependence on God.” It turns out that even when I face a similar situation as before, I have to come at it from a different angle. If I could work it out the same each time then I could rely on my experience and not on God.
Change keeps me from falling into a pattern. Schedules and plans are good (and important if you want to get anything done), but hearing the voice of God with each step is so much more important. It has to over-ride every schedule created.
It is time to quit holding on to things that I know and trust the God that I know. If I want break through, I have to be willing to break out. If I want freedom then I have to be willing to turn away. If I want success then I have to be willing to step out in Faith.
Waking up to a day full of possibilities is a little overwhelming but it’s good. Change will not hurt me – even though there are times when it FEELS like it hurts. Change will not be the end of me. But change will push me to hear my Father and to follow His words.
Change is Good.