Quote of the Day – Make Our Own Way
Quote of the day for Tuesday, July 4, 2017
“We are all different. This is why nobody can tell us the way. We learn from others. We test the steps. But we make our own way.” – Kathryn Lang
Only one person can give me the answers I need to walk out the path I’m designed to walk.
As I searched through Staples looking for the right tools to make my challenge calendar, I passed the display of easy buttons. My friend, Tony Marino, used one during his live broadcast a few years back. It says it’s easy, but the truth is it is just a button, not the magic key.
I am the only person that can make my way. I am the only person that can walk my path. If I want to become all that I am designed to be then I have to make the choice to go, to do, and to be.
It is up to me. I can (and should) learn from others. I test the ideas and the lessons. I make a plan that is unique to me because I am unique. And then I walk it out.
I make my own way!
Are you ready to launch your dreams?
Join the “Challenge to Change” course and begin to build your world of possibilities. Click HERE
Another great thought! Have a blessed day! Obstacles can be road blocks or detours or simply speed bumps giving us a chance to stand on top of them a moment to scan what waits ahead. Whatever perspective we choose to put on it determines the next step. Either way we choose the adventure.
ABSOLUTELY – Life is definitely a “choose your own adventure” book 😀