Quote of the Day – Motivation Moves – Thursday May 18 2017
Quote of the day for Thursday, May 18, 2017
”Motivation moves. Invest in finding ways to refill motivation so it will be with you when YOU need to move.” – Kathryn Lang
Motivation moves – it continues to flow and to go even when I am not. It is the ultimate object in motion and it will stay in motion.
Not only is motivation in motion, but life and the world saps the motivation (or tries to) almost as fast as I can fill the reservoirs.
Having motivation for my life requires that I be invested in a variety of ways to refill my motivation tank. The options I have in my toolbox, the easier it will be for me to find the motivation I need when its time for me to get going.
Daily seek ways, people, words, and environments that will feed the motivation for your life. This investment provides you with the fuel you need not only for your going, but to share with the others that you encounter along the way.