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  1. I came over to check out your website when I saw you were talking about the interview with Chip, Jim and I for The Master Seminars.

    I was reading the entire posting and was so encouraged by what you said in the last two paragraphs. I tend to be supercharged spiritually and physically in January of every year. It Feb. it is as if I am sleepier and it is harder to be motivated. I decided this week I’d double down on reading scripture and doing the other things necessary to feed my spirit, because when my spirit is full I tend to accomplish more.

    While The Master Seminars and Writing Career Coach are still in the building stages and at no place where a person could “coast” there are other areas of my writing (like articles) where it is easy to get lazy and complacent. Your blog encouraged me to stop being selfish and use the gift God gave me to push harder.

    Thank you so much for this great word. It was an amazing motivation on this snowy day.

    1. Tiffany – thank you so much for you kind words. They served as an inspiration to me to keep on keeping on πŸ˜€ (although it would be nice if it were “motivation on a snowy day” for around here). Still, the more that we encourage and motivate each other the more we ARE encouraged and motivated.

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