Easy Tips for Crafting Blog Posts
New ideas can be hard to come by as you build a cache of writing material for your blog. You have written it all or someone else has written it all. You have heard that there is nothing new under the sun and blog content is really no different.
It is not always about writing something new. Creating great content for you website is about finding your voice and then sharing what is important in that voice. You have a unique view on the subject because you are the only you.
Even with the understanding of having a unique viewpoint, you may still find days when you struggle to find relevant content. Following a few tips can help you get the ball rolling.
Top Tips for Crafting Your Blog Posts
1. Share what is on your mind personally. The things that you are facing in your own journey may actually be the same things that others are also facing. Even if you have no answer, just sharing your journey may be enough to make a difference. It is always nice to find out that you are not alone.
2. Define a word. Focus in on a single word that you have an issue with or that you are struggling to understand. Talk about a word with an interesting pronunciation or an often missed pronunciation. Share a favorite word that you often hear used incorrectly. Playing with a single word can inspire the discovery of more words.
3. Write what you read. Cover your thoughts on another blog (and be certain to link to the blog that inspires you). Share your ideas on a news story (but keep it relevant to the topics of your blog). The words offered by others can be one of the greatest motivations for the development of your own words.
4. Have a little fun with the words that you write. Tell a flash fiction story (under 650 words). Create a poem for a holiday. Write a post that calls attention to a little known National holiday (like National Talk Like a Pirate day).The unexpected or pure entertainment can do a lot for your words and for the hearts of your readers.
5. Come up with a challenge β for yourself or for your readers. November is National Blog Posting Month, but you do not have to wait until then to put together a challenge. Problogger put together a challenge (31 Days to Build a Better Blog). You can look for a challenge online or just build your own from scratch. The key is to create something that will help hold you accountable for creating content.
6. Offer a price for blog post ideas. Set up a prize basket or package for your readers that comment with blog ideas they would like to hear more about. You could give a big prize for the one you like the best or you can give prizes to all of the blog posts ideas that you utilize.
Find the words for your website by looking in new directions. Thinking outside the box can be the key to releasing the words you need for your website.
What is your top tip for crafting blog posts for your website.