Getting Lessons on Stepping Out
In the realm of “making and growing relationships,” Yall Connect knocked it out of the park. Wade Kwon did an excellent job of bringing together a strong group of dynamic speakers and creating an atmosphere for networking. There were a range of opportunities to learn and connect, if you were willing to step out and take advantage of those opportunities.
Most of life revolves this concept. I have to take the step if I am going to get there – no matter where my “there” might be located. Some will think it too costly. Some will think it too dangerous. Some will think it too uncomfortable. Most will make one excuse or another.
The few – those that reach their success – are the ones that look at the excuses and step out despite all of them.
Yall Connect 2014 in Birmingham, Alabama overflowed with those stepping out. The Southern Christian Writers Conference 2014 in Tuscaloosa, Alabama was filled with words revealing lives of stepping out. The more I look around, the more I see from the examples of others that I am the only in my way of stepping out.
Stepping Out to Success
Wade Kwon – It all started with Wade. He had the vision to build the Yall Connect experience. Stepping out under the best of circumstances is a scary endeavor. Stepping out under the spotlights of media, community and the internet takes it to a new level. But, if Wade can do it, then I can do it – and you can do it. Step out big and bold.
David and Joanne Sloan – reaching out to help others can be a great motivation for stepping out. The Sloans launched the Southern Christian Writers Conference in 1992 and set out to create a time of instruction and inspiration. It was not like every other conference – and being difference can be a great challenge for stepping out.
Syed Balkhi – “Free helps to build trust by providing something beneficial to others without expectation of return.” He began as a youth to give away extras to his customers. He continued the giveaway pattern in high school when he found a way to get what he wanted (to play video games) and provide a service to others. Doing things different will always challenge the one attempting to step out.
David Magee – Telling a story that reflects your personality and heart requires revealing more than most are willing. David found a way to tell a story that connect – enough to make a living as an author before turning to journalism – or maybe he just has a writer heart looking for different paths to tell his story. The fork in the road can cause disillusionment or can become the opportunity for stepping out.
Laurie Heard – Asking for help can be intimidating, but asking for help from some of the leaders in the industry can cause the strongest heart to run in fear. She stepped right up and reached out for ideas and tips from the speakers and others at Yall Connect. Being willing to ask for help can be one of the biggest challenges for stepping out.
The difference between crossing the finish line and being stuck behind is that step. Those that are willing to step out will find that “I am” is all the difference in the world.
You have possibilities you have not even imagined inside you right now. Step out into all that you can be.
Be blessed,
What are you doing to find your path for stepping out? Share with me today.
Kathryn- Aren’t you sweet to include me in this incredible list of people. Stepping out can be hard, but is so important for growth in all areas of life.
You know what else I believe is important? Connectors- people like you who will go out of their way to connect friends and colleagues when there is no direct benefit to themselves.
So, thanks for connecting me at the Ya’ll Connect conference. It’s much easier to step out when there are friends around for support.
Best, Laurie
Your energy and determination were a great inspiration for me. And you are so right – having others to support you in the journey makes it easier. Y’all are definitely that for me.
Be blessed,
It also helps to be just a little bit stupid. I say this with complete sincerity: Had I known that getting a conference off the ground would be one of the toughest moments in my life, I would’ve likely never done it.
My ignorance got me into it, my hard work and my super team got me to where we are now.
Thanks for your insights, Kathryn!
Hey Wade – I think in some things you are right, that not having the negatives makes it easier to push forward. And I also think passion – for helping others, for reaching a goal, for being your uniqueness – also can be a powerful weapon (which I think you have in spades 😀 ). No matter the what or the why – we have to be bold enough to step.
Thanks for stopping by Growing HOPE and for stepping so boldly.