Quote of the Day – Grow HOPE for Hope Finds a Way
Quote of the day for Sunday, July 9, 2017
“Once hope finds a way in then it all becomes possible.” – Kathryn Lang
Grow HOPE.
Hope opens the doors to possibilities. Hope finds the potential even in the problems. Hope makes all things possible even when the world demands those very things are impossible.
Grow HOPE.
Hope sees the silver lining even as the storm rages on. Hope hears the still, small whisper of the heart. Hope holds tight to the power of the positive because from that position the whole world can be changed.
Grow HOPE.
“You’re delusional.” He declared when I told him I believed it was possible. It was not delusion that allowed me to believe. I saw the issues. I felt the struggles. I knew what would lie in the path I had determined.
I started out because I had hope in the promise that was given to me. “Follow Me.” Hope is the truth with it is founded in the Truth. When this hope takes root in the heart then all things do become possible.
Grow HOPE.
Invest in Growing HOPE
A seed of hope will grow up into a powerful tree of strength. That tree of hope will spread seeds to all the hearts and minds it encounters – which in turn will spread more seeds of hope. Make a difference in the world today. Invest in growing hope.