Defining Courage and Living Courageous
Courage β that element or quality we apply to the hero or the warrior. Examining courage has helped me recognize that it (like so many of the words the world has abducted) comes from the heart of a man and not emotions or the attributions of others.
The woman who attends her high school reunion KNOWING that others are going to whisper behind her back β that is courage. She goes to reconnet with old acquaintances and maybe to build up new ones and not to please THEY (the ones that point out the imperfections of others).
#Courage is a heart condition and not something that is simply attributed by the world Share on XThe man who joins a work crew to be a testimony and a reflection and not because it provides the paycheck that his education pronounces he deserves β that is courage. Others are going to question his actions. THEY are going to say he is wrong but the world will never understand or approve of the actions of the spirit.
The teenager that sits at the wrong table knowing that THEY will turn their back but chooses to do it because he knows it is right – that is courage. THEY do not dictate our walk and when THEY do then we are walking in the wrong way.
Courage is knowing the Word of God so much so that I trust those words. Courage grows up from that trust and allows me to do things that might seem extraordinary only because it is not me doing it β I am just following the path that was cleared for me by the one that said go.
The army that steps across the river to take on a land better equipped, stronger, and bigger even though THEY said the other side would win β that is courage. The Children of God had a promise and they stepped out in the promise instead of in the reason and rationale of the world.
I will never fully stand in courage until I release the need to be accepted by the world. The moment I turn my full attention to God and believe wholly in His Words β THAT is courage.
Be blessed,