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  1. There is so much negativity on social media that I often give thought to leaving all the platforms. And then I participate in a chat, tag up with friends who are very dear to me, and have very constructive conversations where I can both teach and learn. It’s often the best hour of a day. So I stay and try to just filter the negative. Charlie “Tremendous” Jones who wrote “Life is Tremendous” said that the person you will be in five years depends on the books you read and the people with whom you associate. Kathryn is absolutely correct. Hang with positive people and fill your mind with positive words. To that end I recommend Norman Vincent Peale’s “The Power of Positive Thinking.” A classic in the topic. And on social media – follow Kathryn. She always lifts me up!

    1. Thank you, Tom.

      Twitter Chats have been a great place for encouragement and inspiration for me, as well. Honored to have connected with you through Twitter chats.

      Have a blessed day!

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