Finding Where Hope Grows

Finding where hope grows requires seeing beyond the limits and restrictions of the world. Hope lies dormant in the heart of all things. It grows up through Light and Love. It is found wherever someone seeks to find it.

You can find hope wherever you dare to look.


You can find hope wherever you dare to look.

Knowing Where Hope Grows

When you recognize that hope grows where it is planted and nurtured and you realize hope is planted everywhere, then you begin to harvest hope whenever and wherever you need it. 

  • Finding hope in the noise
  • Seeing hope through the storm
  • Harvesting hope after a season
  • Gaining hope through a shared heart encounter
  • Releasing hope into the world

Hope is there. All you have to do is make the choice to see, and you will be living in the peace and comfort that comes from leaning into hope.

Get the bonus content: Investing In Hope Worksheet

I started doing my morning stretches on the back deck. I don’t have to worry about tripping up the neighbor when she goes out to walk her dog – which was one of the problems I encountered when I used the front walkway.

It’s nice out back. Because the neighboring restaurant isn’t open, the jetplane-sounding air conditioners aren’t on overdrive. Even the bird songs are clear and lively. Plus, the back deck overlooks the lake. I’ve been able to add in deep breathing meditation.

Until this morning, when the HOA had a crew ripping out the old wood deck to replace it with a concrete deck. Chainsaws blasted and filled the air with sawdust and fuel fumes. It would have been easy to get lost in the noise and the chaos.

Instead, I smiled. Smiling didn’t change the situation, but it softened my heart. Hope grows up in the softened heart.

Where hope grows:

Finding hope in the noise
Seeing hope through the storm
Harvesting hope after a season
Gaining hope through a shared heart encounter
Releasing hope into the world

Finding Hope in the Noise

No matter how much chaos around you, if you listen, you can hear the still, small voice.

Seeing Hope Through the Storm

The clouds and the thunder block the sun, but it’s still there. So is the hope. When you see beyond the dark clouds, you’ll begin to notice the hope.

Harvesting Hope after a Season

We all go through different seasons, and when the season changes so will the way things look, sound, and feel. Harvest the new hope after you come through the season.

Gaining Hope with a Shared Heart Encounter

When you share your heart, you touch a heart. When hearts collide, hope grows.

Releasing Hope Back Into the World

Spread the hope. When you find where hope grows, share that back out into the world so hope continues to spread.

Understanding your inflection, humor, attitude, and nonverbal communication is essential to discovering your voice. Click To Tweet

Catching Hope

Hope waits. No matter when, where, or how, you can find hope to help you, encourage you, or lift you up. Once you know where hope grows, you can lean into the hope you need.


Last Week on the #GrowingHope Broadcast:

Building the Cocoon: 

  1. A place of quiet
  2. A secure place
  3. A happy place
  4. A focus place
  5. A healing place

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Enjoy the #GrowingHOPE Broadcast, now available in video AND audio!

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Know Your Voice

Your voice makes you stand out in the crowd; it makes you unique.

Or Listen to #GrowingHOPE

Catch today’s episode of the #GrowingHOPE broadcast, where we are finding the ways to lean into our unique voice.

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